Being Active on LinkedIn

Join Our Recruiters On Linkedin

By now everyone – or mostly everyone – would admit LinkedIn is the top social platform for finding a job using non-traditional means on the internet. It’s probably the best way to connect with recruiters and brands in a meaningful way while you look for work short of meeting someone.

Posting and publishing on LinkedIn will get you noticed if do it effectively and properly. But how?

When you’re sharing content or generating it yourself keep in mind a few things that will help you show of your skills. If you’re sharing a post from somewhere make sure it’s relevant to your job search and say something connecting your experiences to the content you’ve shared. Being articulate and professional will demonstrate your effective ability to communicate, a crucial skill in all jobs.

By posting and sharing frequently you’ll attract plenty of attention if you’re also using the opportunities to expand your network. The more people you’re connected with will ultimately mean a greater number of recruiters have access to you. Additionally, the more a large audience interact with your content, the more you will begin to be seen as an industry leader, or at least you’ll appear to have the potential.

Keep in mind that it won’t only be LinkedIn users or recruiters using the site that are seeing your posts and content. Depending on how well you use keywords specific to your job, your profile can appear in regular web searches by all kind of people looking for that kind of content.

Always engage in a conversation when one is sparked. Even if it’s someone sharing a divisive opinion on something you share, respectfully thank them for their input and leave it alone. If someone is trying to start a meaningful conversation, pursue it. This kind of engagement will further the impression that you’re the kind of person who anyone can work with and get along with. A valuable skill to say the least.


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