Teamwork is all about communication and motivation. Great leaders are able to set a group of employees on a path toward a common goal while at the same time utilizing each team member’s unique skills and abilities. While setting high-level goals is important, making sure there are short term goals interspersed along with the visionary mission statement is important. Today’s blog will help you set goals your team can achieve and rally behind as you move toward your overarching objectives.
Solicit Individual Buy-In
As was stated previously, communication and motivation are two very important elements to leading a team. Keeping that in mind, getting buy-in from individual team members regarding the goals which are set is very important. While at the end of the day, it is you, as the manager, who is responsible for setting goals and objectives for your team. However, taking the time to communicate those goals clearly, discuss the need for them, and your strategy for attaining them with the individual members of the team will make the process more sustainable and the goals themselves more achievable.
Reaching out and getting buy-in from the individual members of the team will help the group rise together toward a common goal. Engage your team so they feel like their actions and their perspectives are valued in the planning of the business, and make sure they fully understand what is expected of them in order to make sure your goals are achieved.
Set Realistic Expectations
High-level goals and mission statements are critical to the long-term planning of any business. But it is the short term, action plan style goals which make sure the work gets done. Once you have your general goals in mind, do what you can to communicate expectations clearly and play to the strengths of the individual contributors. Small successes will lead to larger successes and recognizing the interplay of various disciplines and skill sets within a team will help the group succeed as a whole. Make sure you are not setting your team up for failure with vague or unrealistic goals. Rather use goal setting as a way to play to their strengths and motivate them toward greater successes in the future.
Provide Reliable Feedback
Feedback is one of your most powerful tools as a manager. To spur on your team toward achieving their goals, provide high-quality feedback about their performance on a regular basis. Make sure that the goals you set are specific, quantifiable, time-bound, and relevant to the work currently being done, and that they know any criticism is meant to help them improve their performance and continue on toward greater successes. You can do this by being constructive in your criticism, effective and engaging in your communication, and directly relating their performance to the long-term success of the team.
Consider Offering a Reward
Incentives are always a powerful motivator. If you have the option to offer a reward to the team members who are able to meet their individual goals. Competition is another great motivator and can help inspire otherwise passive group members to go the extra mile to achieve their goals.
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